The power of a memorable Memory Hook

We all have 3 types of memory

Short-term memory

Short-term memory is the capacity for holding a small amount of information in your mind in an active, readily available state for a short period of time.

Sensory memory

Sensory memory is the brief storage of information (in memory) brought in through the senses; typically only lasts up to a few seconds.

Long-term memory

Long-term memory is memory that can last as little as a few days or as long as decades.

How Memory Hooks play a part in winning more business

The Founder of BNI, Dr Ivan Misner’s definition of a fantastic memory hook is a brief, memorable self introduction that engages the other party’s interest positively and creates an unbreakable connection between you and your product or service.

This is a glossy way to say that you need to get your brand, your message, your business into people’s long term memory through your memory hook. For those not clear what a memory hook is, this is the last thing you say in your 60 seconds to make people remember you.

Large corporate companies spend billions of pounds each year trying to get their brand and name into your long term memory. So let’s test this now to see if they’ve succeeded.

  • Finger Lickin’ Good – Kentucky Fried Chicken
  • Don’t Leave Home Without it – American Express
  • Vorsprung durch technik – Audi
  • And all because the lady loves… – Milk Tray
  • Probably the best lager in the world – Carlsberg 1973
  • Schhhh… You-Know-Who – Schweppes 1960

Now try a couple of our members’ memory hooks that are catchy and well known.

  • Insuring your future today – Matthew Finch, Irvine Commercial
  • Planning today for your tomorrows – Richard Clayton, Richard Clayton Financial Services

These companies and people have put their product and brand into your long term memory. Who feels that they have a strong, recognisable memory hook that they use every time they do their 60 second presentation?

It’s like having a memorable signature tune. One of those annoying tunes that you hear on the way to work and can’t stop humming all day. That’s what your memory hook needs to be – one of those captivating quips that stick in peoples’ long term memories so they will always remember you and always refer you.